If you are new to credit cards, consider the Standard Chartered Smart Credit Card as a great option! For a nominal joining and annual fee of ₹499, this card allows you to earn 2% cashback on all your online spending and 1% cashback on all other spends. In addition, you can enjoy an extended interest-free period of 90 days and other benefits. Keep reading to find out if this card is worth applying for!
Aspects that make spending using this card lit as the sun!
Think of these as small investments to keep your credit card running smoothly.
Joining Fee
₹499Annual Fee
₹499Annual Percentage Rate
45%Add-on Card Fee
₹350Minimum Repayment Amount
5%Cash Withdrawal Fee
3%Cash Advance Limit
NACard Replacement Fee
NilForeign Transaction Fee
3.50%Over Limit Penalty
2.50%Fuel Transaction Surcharge
1%Reward Point Value
NABalance below ₹100
₹ 0Balance from ₹101 to ₹500
₹ 100Balance from ₹501 to ₹5000
₹ 500Balance from ₹5001 to ₹10000
₹ 700Balance from ₹10001 to ₹25000
₹ 800Balance more than ₹25000
₹ 1200Aspects that make this credit card amazing.
Aspects this credit card lacks.
Keep an eye on the credit card's monthly performance through the number of cards issued and the cumulative transaction value!
Bank name:
Standard Chartered BankStandard Chartered Bank Credit Card Customer Care Number:
1800 425 1000/1800 345 5000Standard Chartered Bank Card Offers:
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9,62,735We are looking for some news yet.
On cash transactions made using credit cards, the interest-free period cannot be used. For instance, there are fees associated with using your credit card to make an ATM cash withdrawal. These are in effect from the time that the cash withdrawal was made until the whole amount was repaid.
No, you do not earn any cashback on fuel spends or cash withdrawals made with the credit card
Cash withdrawals and the amount spent on fuel are not eligible for cashback on this credit card.